Issue 1, 2013

Catalytic activity of unsupported gold nanoparticles


This article reviews some of the compelling evidence showing that colloidal gold nanoparticles without any solid support exhibit intrinsic catalytic activity for some of the typical gold-catalyzed reactions including CO oxidation, aerobic oxidation of alcohols and diols, borohydride reductions and carbon–carbon cross coupling reaction among other reactions. A critical view of the state-of-the-art indicating open issues such as the role of the nature and concentration of the ligand and the possibility of preparing colloidal samples with preferential crystallographic planes is provided.

Graphical abstract: Catalytic activity of unsupported gold nanoparticles

Article information

Article type
06 Feb 2012
21 May 2012
First published
13 Jun 2012

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013,3, 58-69

Catalytic activity of unsupported gold nanoparticles

Y. Mikami, A. Dhakshinamoorthy, M. Alvaro and H. García, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 58 DOI: 10.1039/C2CY20068F

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