A chemistry teacher wanted to know why professional chemists carry out titrations …

Seriously though, why do chemists actually do #titrations? I want an exciting application to engage my #chemistry students #chemed 

Tom Husband @rhymingchemist

Just to clarify, is that so that only the exact right amount is used because XS BuLi could be lethally dangerous?

Tom Husband @rhymingchemist

is this measuring oxygen levels? What’s the P:R ratio?

Tom Husband @rhymingchemist

Like it! A passionate political struggle to engage their attention

Tom Husband @rhymingchemist

we do them on in the Library of Congress to check paper pH & deacidification, prevent degradation

Andrew Davis @weemadandrew

For example to in-situ determine the amount of grignard reagent created

TRSolebumAlex @TRSolebum

Thanks, to clarify, you’ve used one (set of) rxns to generate a reactant for another rxn and you’re measuring how much you have?

Tom Husband @rhymingchemist

that’s right

TRSolebumAlex @TRSolebum